<Anchor> Although the

government said that they would be fined for not presenting quarantine passes at restaurants and cafes, they were not preparing properly. Yesterday (the 13th), the first day of the crackdown, the inoculation certification system stopped working at lunchtime and dinnertime when people were crowded. The government has decided to delay the imposition of the fine for one day.

This is reporter Jeong Da-eun.

<Reporter> During

lunchtime, a restaurant employee asks customers to verify the vaccination QR code.

However, after trying for a while, the authentication app doesn't work, and both guests and staff panic.

[( What should I do?) Uh… Do you use any other apps?]

On the first day of the expansion of the quarantine pass, there were many cases in restaurants and cafes where the QR code for proof of vaccination did not appear or access to the system itself was denied.

[Lee Seung-won/Customer: I use Naver to check the QR right away, but even if I just turn the data off and on, it doesn't work, so I just try KakaoTalk.

I tried it, but it

didn't work.] The

quarantine authorities apologized for temporarily overloading the KT DS Cloud Center, where the government inoculation certificate server is located.

It is presumed that the number of connections on the first day of the quarantine pass was higher than usual, but the error was gradually resolved late in the afternoon.

[Koh Jae-young / Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Spokesperson: We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you using the electronic access list or the Kub app. In the case of the Kub server, we are discussing with relevant organizations for functional improvement. ]

The facilities that apply the quarantine pass are the existing 5 industries such as entertainment establishments and singing practice areas, and 11 businesses including restaurants, cafes, private institutes, reading rooms, and PC rooms.

Violation of the guidelines will result in a fine of up to 100,000 won for users and at least 1.5 million won for facility operators.

4 or more violations may result in facility closure.

[Cafe owner: It's cumbersome, but I keep taking orders...

Some people feel bad about the lack of publicity.

You took a QR (QR) picture in front, but why are you checking it again?]

Some industries are complaining of difficulties, saying that it is necessary to have a separate person to check the vaccination certificate.